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2024-03-05 13:08

calabria dreamin'

COSENZA, Calabria, cosenza, visititaly,


Cosenza, “Atene della Calabria,” offre una ricca storia e bellezza. Ecco dieci imperdibili attrazioni

Cosenza is a city rich in history and culture located in the heart of Calabria. With its well-preserved medieval old town, Cosenza offers numerous points of interest to explore during a weekend or vacation. Here are the 11 things not to miss if you decide to visit this city.





The Duomo of Cosenza, also known as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, is the main Catholic place of worship in the city of Cosenza, located in the heart of the historic center, in Piazza Duomo. Built between the 12th and 13th centuries, it features an elegant Gothic facade and houses valuable works of art inside.

Here are some interesting details:

History: The current cathedral was built in the 12th century but stands on the site of an older church, constructed in the 11th century and nearly completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1184. Construction of the new building began a few years later and was completed in 1222. The cathedral was solemnly consecrated by Cardinal Bishop of Frascati, Nicola de’ Chiaromonti, in the presence of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia.

Architecture: The Duomo exhibits a Gothic Cistercian style. Its facade is divided into three parts, corresponding to the three internal aisles. It is surmounted by an ancient rose window and two smaller rosettes dominating the portals.

Sanctuary of the Virgin of Pilerio: Inside the Duomo is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Pilerio, an important place of devotion. This cathedral is known for its Gothic lines and Florentine features.

Cultural Heritage: In 2011, the Duomo of Cosenza was recognized as a "heritage witness to a culture of peace" by UNESCO, thanks to collaborative efforts between the UNESCO Club of Cosenza, the cathedral, and the Office for Communications of the archdiocese.

Curiosities: The Duomo has undergone numerous changes over the centuries and has been witness to significant historical events. It contains the tomb of Henry the Lame, a rebellious son of the emperor, and hosts a splendid Gothic transept that commemorates the death of the Queen of France, Isabella of Aragon, celebrated by D'Annunzio in his works.





PHOTO ABOVE: Cathedral, Archdiocese of Cosenza-Bisignano, of Santa Maria Assunta. The first Chapel is dedicated to the Madonna del Pilerio, Galaktotrophousa, and houses the 12th-century Byzantine icon. Outside, a monument to Goffredo di Buglione. di Buglione @giuse_iron


The Bilotti Open-Air Museum (MAB) is a project related to the artworks donated by Carlo Bilotti to the municipality of Cosenza. It is located along Corso Mazzini, the city's main commercial artery.

In 2019, the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism declared the collection of 20 artworks displayed in the MAB as "of historical and artistic interest." These artworks represent various currents of 20th-century contemporary art.

The artworks are positioned a few tens of meters from each other along the pedestrian area of Corso Mazzini. Among the represented artists are Dalì, Manzù, De Chirico, Greco, Consagra, Sosno, Rotella, and others.

Furthermore, the MAB extends from Piazza dei Bruzi, where the Municipality is located, to Piazza Carlo Francesco Bilotti, along a 1.2 km route.

It is an ideal place for a stroll, shopping, conversation, and at the same time, enjoying a path of high artistic value.


PHOTO ABOVE: MAB COSENZA. The Bilotti Open-Air Museum is housed within an ancient convent and features a collection of over 100 sculptures by 20th-century artists. Set in a charming garden, it provides a delightful artistic stroll.



The Galleria Nazionale of Cosenza is located in the ancient Palazzo Arnone on the Triglio hill, in Via G.V. Gravina, in the historic center of Cosenza. Managed by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities through the Polo museale della Calabria, this art gallery offers a journey showcasing significant moments in art from the 16th to the 19th century.

The exhibited works include paintings by artists born in Calabria, such as Pietro Negroni, Marco Cardisco, and Francesco Cozza, as well as works by Neapolitan artists who have influenced local painting. Two protagonists of the seventeenth century, the Calabrian Mattia Preti and the Neapolitan Luca Giordano, are particularly interesting. Additionally, the section of graphic works by Umberto Boccioni documents the artist's activity from 1906 to 1915, with studies revealing the genesis of "La risata," exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The museum's collection also includes sculptures by artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Giorgio de Chirico, Emilio Greco, Antonietta Raphaël, Pietro Consagra, Mimmo Rotella, and Bizhan Bassiri. Moreover, the Gallery exhibits the Intesa Sanpaolo collection, covering major artistic movements from the 15th to the 20th century. Contemporary artistic expressions from the region are documented through works by Cesare Berlingeri, Giulio Telarico, and Alfredo Pirri.


PHOTO ABOVE: National Gallery - Located in the former convent of San Domenico, it houses works by Calabrian and Southern artists from the 14th to the 20th century. Not to be missed are the rooms dedicated to De Nittis and Southern Futurism.



The Norman-Swabian Castle of Cosenza, in Calabria, is an imposing medieval fortress situated on Mount Pancrazio at 383 meters above sea level. Built in 937 AD by the people of Cosenza to defend against Saracen invasions, it was later expanded in the 12th century by Roger II of Normandy and became the seat of the Curia. Damaged by an earthquake in 1184, it was restored and took on a crucial defensive function with the arrival of Frederick II of Swabia in the 13th century. Over the centuries, it was used as a princely residence, political prison, and during the Spanish rule in the 16th century, it returned to its original military function. Its decline began in 1638 when it became only a storage facility. Today, it hosts various events.





PHOTO ABOVE: Swabian Castle - Built in the 13th century by order of Charles I of Anjou, the castle dominates the city from the top of a hill. It offers a picturesque panoramic view of the Crati Valley.



The Church of San Domenico in Cosenza, located in Piazza Tommaso Campanella, is an important religious building constructed between 1441 and 1468 through the initiative of the Sanseverino family. By donating adjacent territories to the church of San Matteo, the family facilitated the construction of this new church for the Dominicans, who were already present in Cosenza since around 1240. The facade retains original elements, such as a charming rose window and a wooden Gothic portal from 1614. The monastery's dome, completed between the 17th and early 18th centuries, is captivating with its octagonal drum and terminal lantern. Inside, the late Baroque style is evident with a stuccoed barrel vault, marble floor, and a wooden choir from the 1600s crafted by Fabrizio Volpe da Paterno. The Church of San Domenico, with its copper-clad Baroque dome, is a genuine architectural gem that certainly deserves a visit.


Church of San Domenico - An example of Gothic architecture, it houses valuable frescoes and paintings from the Renaissance period. Noteworthy is the wooden coffered ceiling, a feature worth admiring.

@ balsano84


Piazza XV Marzo, in the heart of the historic center of Cosenza, is one of the most beautiful and significant squares in the city. Surrounded by buildings and monuments that tell the ancient history and rich cultural tradition, this square is steeped in importance. Its name commemorates the insurrection of March 15, 1844, when the people of Cosenza rebelled against the Bourbon government, an event memorialized by the monument to Bernardino Telesio and the statue of Italy's Liberty in the center of the square. Notable buildings such as the Government Palace, the "Alfonso Rendano" theater, the Cosentian Academy, and the St. Chiara monastic complex, housing the Civic Library, overlook this historic square. Piazza XV Marzo, with its centrality and adorned monuments, is a fascinating and unmissable place that testifies to the history and culture of the city of Cosenza.


PHOTO ABOVE: Piazza XV Marzo - Heart of the historic center, the square is surrounded by historic buildings and is lively with bars and restaurants. An excellent meeting point for a stroll through the shopping streets.




The "Parco del Benessere" in Cosenza, located along Viale Mancini, is a significant green infrastructure that will soon be handed over to the administration of Palazzo dei Bruzi. Extending for about two kilometers in the city center, the park will serve as a green lung with modern features and various facilities. Illuminated and structured with wellness paths, bike lanes, and spaces for leisure and sports, the park will include basketball courts, volleyball courts, soccer fields, squash courts, padel tennis courts, a skate park, and a mini-golf course.

The project aims to preserve existing large trees and add new plants, dividing the park into different thematic areas such as the citrus garden, palm grove, spice and essence garden, evergreen garden, and sensory garden. Equipped spaces for children with games and water features will also be available.

The park will be served by an eco-friendly public transport system, the Surface Metro, and will be connected to the Ciclopolitana, an ongoing project that will link the entire city. Additionally, the Parco del Benessere will be connected in the future to the City of Sport and the river parks along the Crati and Busento, providing an exceptional opportunity for the residents of Cosenza to enjoy a rejuvenating green space and engage in outdoor activities!


PHOTO ABOVE: Parco del Benessere - A vast green area equipped with wellness paths, play areas, and spaces for outdoor sports. Ideal for a relaxing break in close contact with nature.



The Covered Market of Cosenza is a lively meeting place for food and local product enthusiasts. Located in the historic center of the city, it offers an authentic experience to immerse yourself in the daily life of Cosenza. Here, you will find stalls filled with fresh, colorful, and aromatic products, including fruits, vegetables, cheeses, cured meats, and local specialties.

The market is a vibrant space where locals do their daily shopping, and visitors can savor the authentic flavors of Calabrian cuisine. In addition to the wide selection of fresh food products, the Covered Market also hosts stalls with handmade items, clothing, and other local products.

Exploring the Covered Market is an opportunity to dive into the culture and traditions of the city, enjoying local delicacies and interacting with the lively atmosphere of the market.





Photo above: Agrimercato Coperto in Cosenza, the ideal place to taste local culinary specialties and typical Calabrian products.



The Museum of the Brettii and Enotri, inaugurated in the fifteenth-century monumental complex of Sant'Agostino on October 17, 2009, is a cultural hub in Cosenza that hosts a permanent archaeological exhibition, as well as temporary exhibitions, concerts, and institutional meetings. This museum is a place of great interest for history and archaeology enthusiasts. The Museum of the Brettii and Enotri offers a journey through the ancient history of the region, from the Brettii to the Enotri, with artifacts that testify to different historical phases. It is a place to visit for those who want to delve into antiquity and discover the cultural roots of this fascinating city.


The Historical Center of Cosenza is a true treasure trove reflecting the richness of the Bruzi culture. The city, with its winding alleys and majestic monumental buildings, vividly narrates its millenary history, with three distinctive facets: the ancient, the modern, and the contemporary.

The journey begins from Colle Pancrazio, culminating in the majestic Norman-Swabian Castle. This millenary fortress, built by the Normans on the stronghold of the Brettii, features Cistercian architectural style and reveals the historical events of the region in its halls.

One of the two octagonal towers, a symbol of Frederickian architecture, still stands in all its splendor. The castle offers an exciting immersion into the past, making it an unmissable destination.

The Historical Center of Cosenza presents additional gems, including the Cathedral of Cosenza, a masterpiece of art and faith with a Gothic façade and interior frescoes, and the Rendano Theater, an elegant venue for theatrical performances, concerts, and cultural events.

Exploring the medieval alleyways unveils charming corners and picturesque views, while the restaurants and trattorias provide an opportunity to savor Calabrian cuisine with traditional dishes and authentic flavors.

A visit to the local market allows an authentic immersion into the city's daily life. The Historical Center of Cosenza is a unique opportunity to live and experience a place rich in history, culture, and art, where epochs blend into a singular experience at the center of history.


PHOTO ABOVE: Historical Center - Not to be missed is a stroll through the streets of the charming, well-preserved medieval historic center, adorned with its noble palaces and churches.



The "Teatro Rendano," located in Piazza XV Marzo in the heart of the historic center of Cosenza, is a place of great cultural and artistic significance. This theater, dedicated to the pianist Alfonso Rendano, has Renaissance origins and features a spacious hall with three tiers of balconies adorned in crimson red velvet. With a depth of 14 meters, it can accommodate a variety of performances, including opera, drama, symphonic concerts, dance shows, and conferences.

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